Language School
To assist recently arrived students adapt to their new living and learning environment, we provide an on-site intensive English Language course. The course is accredited by the International Division of the Department of Education and is designed to develop students’ language and learning skills so that they can successfully meet the requirements in the mainstream school.
Students attend the course for approximately 20 weeks, before transferring to mainstream classes. The course is full time and operates 5 days a week. There are limited places in the course and, in the event that it is full, students may be placed at an off-campus government Language School that has been selected and approved by us. These students will still be enrolled to study at the Camberwell High School at the competition of their language course.
Academic Program
Study in Australia commences each year in late January or early February. All year levels provide studies in the 8 learning areas – English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Languages, The Arts, Technology, Health and Physical Education. There are four academic terms with a two-week break between each term. The academic year finishes in December and students have a 5-6 week summer vacation.
While the majority of our international students enrol in the Senior School (Years 10-12), some students who come to Australia with their parents are enrolled to begin study in Years 7-9.
Most of our international students enrol in Year 10 prior to completing the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), which will lead onto Tertiary study. Year 10 is considered a preparation year, where students can select electives that suit their interests and prepare them for their chosen field of study. In Year 10 students study English or English as an Additional Language (EAL), Mathematics and eight semester-long elective subjects.
Year 11 and 12 students can study VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) or VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) and can include a VET (Vocational and Education Training) subject as part of either Certificate. VCE is a requirement for entry to tertiary study whereas VCAL and VET are focused on vocational training. We offer a comprehensive selection of subjects in these years and students have many choices available to them. International students should note that VCE is a two-year certificate.
Past Student Achievement
We are very proud of our international students who have achieved their personal best in their VCE. Many of them achieved ATAR scores of more than 90. All of the students have received placements in tertiary institutions. These include the University of Melbourne and Monash University while others will attend RMIT, Deakin University and International universities. The courses most pursued include commerce, accounting, business, property management, science, pharmacy, nursing and mechanical engineering.